South Carolina Aviation Accident Lawyers
Legal and Aviation Experience
While airplanes are one of the safest modes of transportation, there have been an abundance of airplane crash cases ranging from the tragic crashes of jumbo jets to the loss of life in single engine aircraft accidents.
The attorneys of the Gilreath Law Firm, P.A., in Greenville, South Carolina, represent people who were injured in aviation accidents caused by the negligence of others. We also represent survivors of those who died a wrongful death in a plane crash.
Most airplane crashes involve general aviation flights, such as those conducted by privately owned and operated aircraft companies. In a number of cases, the cause of the accident is shown to be pilot negligence. In others, the crash resulted from a poorly designed aircraft, a defective part or faulty maintenance.
The Gilreath Law Firm is ready to represent you, your family and/or friends in connection with aviation accident litigation. Our staff will work with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and other local, state and federal agencies to determine the cause of any crash.
A Lawyer and a Pilot
Jim Gilreath is a Federal Aviation Administration-instrument-rated pilot with more than 37 years and 2,000 hours combined flight experience. He holds both a multi-engine and instrument rating from the FAA. His combination of legal and aviation experience make our law firm a wise choice for those pursuing aviation accident claims.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of an aircraft crash, please contact the Gilreath Law Firm, P.A., to discuss your case.