About the Firm Greenville Business and Litigation Attorneys

http://www.gilreathlaw.com 864-242-4727 The Gilreath Law Firm, P.A. handles litigation including probate, trust, contracts and business disputes. Call the firm in Greenville, South Carolina for help.

Attorney Profiles

Experience, Dedication, Results

Businesses, individuals and other attorneys throughout South Carolina rely on The Gilreath Law Firm, P.A., for experienced and effective legal representation and personal service. Drawing on our experience and training in taxation law, we have successfully represented clients in complex corporate tax or securities matters. Extensive knowledge of tax, business and insurance law informs our work and benefits clients in all areas of our practice.

To learn more about our attorneys' backgrounds, please follow the links below.

To discuss your legal issue with one of our lawyers, please contact the law office of James R. Gilreath at the Gilreath Law Firm, P.A., in Greenville, South Carolina.

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